For the pretty, chic and rich readers...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lesson 1: Basics of the stock market

Technical analysis is based on the principle that history always repeat itself... and that the future is found in the past plus the dynamics of demand and supply...

Alright, I know I know.. if you are a woman reading my blog, you will most likely be bored... the word TECHNICAL always have a drowsy and sleepy effect. You need to concentrate, and by that I mean imagine walking into Chanel and leaving the place with the diamond forever classic bag with the profits made from the stock market. Oh, by the way, this bag is labelled as one of the most expensive bags in the world and it cost $261,000. Gawd, it's the price of a small apartment. Can I live in the bag?

Let's not delve into the technical analysis as yet but let me prepare you for the basic necessary platforms and items...

1. Get a CDP account, securities firm and a broker/remisier. ( If you do not have one, please email me with your name and your contact number and I will get back to you as soon as I can).
2. Log into, find out about the trading hours and the terms/abbreviation used, i.e. bid, ask, volume, last, high and low. open, close, and contra. Your broker/remisier will be able to assist you.
3. Understand your brokerage statement, charges and what are these shares quantified by? 1000 shares = 1 lot, minimum purchase is 1 lot. How to calculate profit/loss?
4. A computer with a charting software. Optional: Get a trading coach, books and software

Great, now you have everything ready... I'm very sure that the next question on every woman's mind is : "Which stock to buy?"